Dienstag, Oktober 10, 2006


... wurden 5 junge Kreative einer militärischen Spezialeinheit wegen eines Verbrechens verurteilt, das sie nicht begangen haben. Sie brachen aus dem Gefängnis aus und tauchten in Los Angeles unter. Seitdem werden Sie von der Militärpolizei gejagt, aber sie helfen anderen auf der Suche nach Design sind. Sie wollen nicht so ganz ernst genommen werden, aber ihre Gegner müssen sie ernst nehmen.
Also wenn sie einmal ein Problem haben und nicht mehr weiter wissen suchen sie doch Design-Force.

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Eh du Lützeler Schneckche,

Ihr habt anscheinend auf Arbeit nichts zu tun...Ich weiß...

...ein bisschen spaß muss sein...schallalalala...

Küsschen aus Wiesbaden

Anonym hat gesagt…

I recently came across your site quite by accident. Were you at the Bluepoint restaurant, gegen ober von dem Bay Shore Bahnhof, one Friday evening in late summer 2005? I was there with my wife for dinner and we heard German being spoken at the bar.
Chuck Ulrich
Bay Shore, NY

Amelie hat gesagt…

hi chuck,
i lived in bay shore for a certain while. yes, it should be me or my boss, who you met there.
i have been there just one time. shortley after or before a fest. on the day i have been there, it was closed or something like that. but the husband of my boss know the owner, the one with the cool western shirts, and so we where allowed to sit and drink some beers at the bar.
but i cannot remember you or your wife! sorry for that!

are still living there? in bay shore or nyc? its so nice to read the mesage, it reminds me of that nice evening...

greetings to my beloved bas shore! amelie

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hello Amelie,
We live in Bay Shore. I really enjoyed reading your earlier posts about New York. Ich versuche mich deutsch beizubringen. And it was a nice surprise to read about my home town in Deutsch. I was able to add to my german vocabulary by reading and translating your blog zum beispiel: umsteigen in Babylon.

We must be talking about different nights at the Blue Point because the night my wife and I were there, the restaurant was open. We were sitting at a table near the bar and I could hear several people at the bar seaking german. My ears get big when I hear german since I like to get some practice whenever the opportunity arises, which in Bay Shore is not that often. Before I could say anything in german the people at the bar walked across the street to the railroad station and got on the train towards New York.
One thing I didn't understand from your blog is how it was that you came to Bay Shore.